Instructions for use |
When to use? After injury or surgery in the area of the teat canal. |
How to use? Clean the teat using warm water and soap and disinfect the teat.
Drain the milk with a sterile milking tube. Administer an intramammary antibiotic.
Insert the NIT into the teat canal. Handle the NIT at the head only. Clean your
hands and use clean latex gloves. Bandage the teat and rest it for several days.
Resting the teat speeds up healing and decreases the risk of mastitis. |
Injured teats are often rested for 3 x 3 days: this means cleaning/disinfecting,
draining off milk, administering an antibiotic, inserting a NIT and bandaging the
teat on the day when the injury occurred (day 0), 3 days later (day 3) and 6 days
later (day 6). The teat is rested, i.e. not milked, from the day when the injury
occurred until 9 days thereafter (day 9) when milking is resumed. |
What happens with the milk? Following cessation of milking for several days,
the milk from the affected quarter may appear watery, milk yield may decrease
and somatic cell count may increase. However, most often milk appearance, milk
yield and somatic cell count return to normal after milking is resumed. |
What happens with the NIT? The composition of the NIT is similar to the natural
teat canal sebum. It is unmedicated and sterile. The NIT adjusts to the shape of
the teat canal. It can be milked out of the teat canal by hand. |
How to store? In a clean, dry and cool place. |